Leadership is vital in any workplace because it helps to ensure that goals are met, that tasks are completed efficiently and that employees are motivated. Good leaders help to create an environment where everyone can do their best work and feel supported. They also...
Shake up your organisation’s career pathway to help retain your best workers
Organisations are often complex places, made up of many different teams and departments. A career pathway is the route that an employee takes through an organisation, from their initial joining point to their eventual exit. There are many different types of career...
Energy Management Habit 3: Building Positive Relationships in a Virtual World
This article is a guest post from our partner Dr. Jay Chopra of Making Shift Happen. When we first moved to remote working over a year ago, video conferencing apps like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, or WebEx seemed like the perfect solution to all our communication issues....
What Does a CEO Brain Profile Look Like?
CEOs and key leaders need to be more agile than ever in today’s onslaught of change. This requires a stretch for many leaders. Our data on CEOs shows that they are uniquely positioned to be able to flex between competing demands for their thinking and decision making....
What it takes to become HBDI® certified
HBDI® Certification teaches participants how to leverage the power of Whole Brain® Thinking to help individuals, teams and organisations unleash their collective intelligence. Certified Practitioners are trained to apply Whole Brain® tools, concepts and programs,...
A Whole Brain® approach to Executive leadership development
Some people think that when they reach the top of the corporate ladder, they no longer need to participate in team-building or leadership development activities. But these exercises are as valuable for Senior Executives as they are for office workers and lower...
COVID-19: Making Effective Decisions During Crisis as a Leader and Team
If you ever needed cognitive diversity and thinking agility, now is the time! With the current global atmosphere of rampant change and volatility, you need to leverage all of the thinking resources available to you, especially when it comes to effective decision...
How Project Managers can use agile thinking to deal with complexity and uncertainty
While all members of a project team contribute to the success or failure of a project, it’s ultimately the Project Manager who is accountable for the outcome. Taking a leading role in the planning, management and execution of a project, Project Managers oversee the...
The Myth of the Most Effective Leadership Styles
What’s the best HBDI® profile for a leader? This is one of the most common questions we get asked about the HBDI and leadership. We all want to know which is the best profile, and we all want to know if it’s ours. Fortunately for you, the answer we give is always the...