How Will You Adapt? Cognitive Diversity And The “Next Normal”

by | Jul 2, 2020

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The impact of COVID-19 on our ways of working has been staggering. The most obvious, the shift to remote work, has impacted organisational cultures and employee engagement almost overnight. Beyond remote work, it has accelerated a number of key future of work trends, in some cases irreversibly. In the years to come, it will continue to reverberate in the ways we collaborate, balance our career and family obligations, and think about our teams and organisations. 

At the end of 2019, we wrote an article about why we thought cognitive diversity would be the most important management idea in 2020. 


We obviously didn’t take into account the potential for a global pandemic to turn life and work on its head. 

Nevertheless, in working with clients to adapt to the “new normal,” we’ve seen firsthand that understanding and being able to harness cognitive diversity are more important than ever. We’ve already seen that different types of thinkers will have different reactions to the many changes we’re all adapting to. Having access to predictive insights on their likely responses to new and evolving strategies, and adjusting the strategies accordingly to be able to reflect and harness your organisation’s cognitive diversity, will be an invaluable asset to your ability to adapt successfully.

This pandemic has been an important reminder that we are all deeply interconnected, and rebuilding in any sustainable way is going to require a broad team effort. 

We are fortunate to work with clients who are often the most progressive and forward-thinking leaders in their industries. Those leaders are now looking beyond the upheaval of the past few months and are thinking about a new way forward. They are building plans for how they will adapt to the “next normal.” 

As we work with them to harness cognitive diversity in tackling the issues they’re grappling with, we want to share insights and ideas on what’s working and where there’s cause for optimism. That’s why today, we’re launching a series called: How will you adapt? 

The series will cover off on a range of topics that are top-of-mind for business and talent leaders across industries and around the world. It will include perspectives directly from those leaders, as well as Herrmann experts. 

In the first instalments, we’ll share perspectives on how cognitive diversity can improve re-boarding efforts as organisations get back to work in both homes and offices, and how to manage the forthcoming spike in employees seeking career changes as a result of new circumstances the pandemic has brought about.

Future topics will include:

  • How this crisis has raised the bar for managers, and how manager training will need to evolve as a result
  • Re-skilling for new competencies expected of managers and leaders, especially in terms of building leadership and learning agility
  • Doing more with less in light of layoffs
  • Building your culture in hybrid remote/co-located environments
  • How to best align cognitive diversity with Artificial Intelligence tools and strategies that are now being accelerated

It’s time for all of us to think about what the “Next Normal” will look like. We’re looking forward to sharing stories, insights and ideas with you to make our collective adaptation as successful as possible! Get started by downloading our Adapting to Uncertainty white paper now.

Button to download a Thinking Agility white paper

This article was originally published on our US site. It has been updated and republished here to ensure our readers don’t miss out on valuable information.

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